MetaData Panel not shown

In my album template I switched on the “Metadata Panel” but no panel is shown neither on the slideshow nor on single photo page. Metadata does exist in the images, I already show them in the image title.

Any Ideas?


I’m seeing the panel, though it’s empty.

What metadata have you configured for the panel?
If you’re trying to show metadata that is in addition to what’s in the caption area, you’ll need to republish the image metadata (if using LightroomPublisher) or upload replacement images (if using Backlight Publisher).

Also, in the template there’s this option:

Show Entries With Empty Values
When disabled, entries with empty values will not be shown at all. When enabled, entries with empty values will use the Empty Metadata Value label set in Backlight > Languages.

Off is the default. If the fiekds you configured don’t have any metadata, then what you’re seeing on you site is normal.

Thank you Rod.
After republishing the images the metadata is there.

But what I don´t understand is, why do I have to republish the metadata. At least the exposure and Camera brand should already have been published. Otherwise the data wouldn´t have been shown in the caption…

We have to ask Lightroom to send data specifically. If we didn’t ask for it in the first place, then we don’t have it. Lightroom does not simply send all of the metadata.

There are a few reasons for this behaviour.

First, Backlight uses what we call metadata outlets. An outlet is a field that can include metadata tokens, such as “This is the Title: {Title}”. This full amount of text is processed within our Lightroom plugin to produce an atomic piece of text that no longer includes the structured token or way of extracting that information. In this case, Backlight doesn’t save a {Title} value as such but the result of that processing (e.g. “This is the Title: My House”). So if you were to create another metadata field that included the {Title} token, there is no known value for {Title} for Backlight to use. The new metadata field then needs to be created and populated with the token within the Lightroom publisher and sent as an atomic piece of information.

Second, many of the tokens supported from Lightroom use catalog data that can only be found within Lightroom’s catalogue and not sourced from the images themselves.

Third, depending on your settings, much or all of the metadata can be stripped from the renditions created by Lightroom, so the information that is needed for tokens may not be in the images at all.

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Since this topic already exists, I’ll ask here.
How do I change the font used for the metadata panel? I don’t see specific items in the page template or album template designers.

Looks like custom css is needed. If you need help with that, can you create a topic under the Backlight Customization section?

Matthew, thank you very much for the clarification for the clarification of the metadata update process.


There does appear to be an edge case when the metadata panel shows up with nothing in it. I’m still investigating it.