My iMac crashed and all catalogs where destroyed

Now I need to delete one published gallery after the other but I get always error messages that I should do that via Lightroom, but in Lightroom there is no catalog because I have to prepare it in a new version. So I guess that I have to delete the galleries via PHPLiteAdmin,
can you please help me to delete the galleries with getting the account to the PHPLiteAdmin.
Thank you very much.

If Backlight Publisher is not offering you the option to delete as below, then the phpLiteAdmin password is admin

What if you first switch the album to Managed by Backlight? Then are you able to delete it?

If your catalog doesn’t exist and there’s therefore no way to delete from LR then proceed to delete from Backlight’s Publisher (from the screen that Rod shared).

There should be no need to use phpLiteAdmin, and doing so there will not clean up the album properly, as there is also related photos and metadata stored across different database tables.