Name too long?

In this gallery, , you will see there is no name under the top left image. But in large image view, the name appears. Why is this? And why all the hyphens between the words? The other images do not have this,

First, it looks like the file name has a period in it:


File names should only contain letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.

That period could be affecting the code making the rest of the caption to disappear because periods have meaning in code. Just a guess.

Secondly, it appears that your photo caption is using two metadata fields: ā€œTitleā€ and ā€œCaptionā€ and that image appears to be missing the title so the image filename is being used (thatā€™s why you see the hyphens)

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Also, I cannot vouch for the accented characters in the file name. Might be safer to use the plain variants of the letters.

SOLVED. It wasnā€™t that the name was too long nor that it had accented characters, it was that I failed to put the title in the ā€œtitleā€ box in Lightroom.
Allā€™s well now.

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