Navigation issue on mobile

The navigation menu is showing up badly displaced on mobile (wrong screen position).
I have this problem with 2 pages with included albums.
Other pages with same album template and/or page-templates work well.

Where to search for that error?

This page has the problem:

This page also got the problem:

This page (with same page-template as A and B)
and with same album page-template as A) does not have this problem

Is it possible to influence the menu with the page copy in a bad manner?
The page copy code is difficult to read, because as I am not good in
HTML and CSS, I generated it with HTML-Export from Google Docs + a little fine tuning.
I hope the error is somehow easier to find than in my mess of page-copy-text. :fearful:

Thank you for any advice

I haven’t found it yet, but you’ve probably introduced a syntax error in your HTML. Opening an extra tag that you haven’t closed, or closing a tag that you haven’t opened (which causes some other tag to close prematurely).

Your html has a lot of unnecessary stuff. Like classes assigned that do not exist in Backlight or your own custom css. I saw at least one span element inside another span element.
Like Matt said, it’s probably an html syntax error.

You can test this by removing all your text from the album and then seeing if it works properly. If it does, there’s an error in there.

Yes, @rod_barbee the test shows that its my bad html…
not to easy to polish
so @Matthew I am searching for single tags now

This is why we support Markdown. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you don’t specifically need HTML, just don’t use it. If you stick to Markdown, you’ll be less prone to introducing errors.

I needed to jump from text before album to text after album using an ancher…

If the target location has an id, then I think the Markdown would just be:


Matt, he’s placing text before an after the album using jQuery to move text that contains a certain class. So he needs html at least for the targeted text div. Kind of like and essay :wink:


and somewhere in here the bug must be:

<p><a href="#anker">learn more about moments</a></p>
<div class="after-text">
<p id="anker">...</p>
<p class="c5"><span class="c6 c4">about moments</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #02a0c2;"><strong><span class="c6 c4">Traditional black &amp; white photography<br /></span></strong></span></p>

(edited by mod to reveal html code)

You can write all the text that goes above the album in Markdown.
But the text meant to go below the album needs to be html.

haha… thats to high for me mixing both…
I try to stick on html as for me markdown is not intuitive

I think you missed closing out the “after-text” div

I think you are right! Thank you Mr. Rod Homes! Wow!

everything fixed now… thank you once more!