No Modules found - something went wrong on my NAS

Hi, I wanted to update the modules on my NAS and I get the following message:

On my website there are no problems. Nothing changed in the past month.



I also cannot open this community with Safari on my Macbook Pro El Capitan.
With Firefox no problem, IOS also okay, but the problem with my NAS is on each device.

Make sure your server can connect to
Check your PHP error logs
Ask your system administrator

The connection was ok until 2 weeks ago. I changed nothing. PHP is 7.4.


Edit: In Safari (El Capitan) comes this error message, if I want to open

Unable to specify controller and action: (, index)

This also doesn’t work:

Should be the same community app like this community.


Can you SSH into your NAS and from the console try the following three commands and report here on the result:

telnet 443
nc -zv 443

(the first two are equivalent, but you may have only one of those tools available on the NAS)

The expected result is like this:

❯ telnet 443
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
❯ nc -zv 443
Connection to port 443 [tcp/https] succeeded!
❯ curl
Unable to specify controller and action: (, index)


I can open this site in Safari in El Capitan after clicking through a warning about the SSL certificate. That warning is likely due to an incompatible set of supported SSL ciphers between the old version of Safari and the web server that runs this site. Is that the reason you can’t see the site?

Once I click through the warning, I see that the forum has lost its styling and that there is an error log in the console. That error looks to be caused by incompatible JS support in the browser.

The page you have linked to comes up as a blank page for me in El Capitan. It is running a different version of Discourse to ours.

Which year and model of Mac are you using? I needed to dust off my 2007 MBP to test this. I only keep it for nostalgic reasons.

Macbook Pro 2009.

The other things I can test next week, because today I go to holiday.
I will post later. Thanks Ben.



Same in Safari on my Mac mini M 1:

Unable to specify controller and action: (, index)

I have a QNAP NAS, don’t know what you mean. There is no console app in the NAS.


How about opening terminal in your Mac and SSHing in from there.

I just used ssh to get into my QNAP NAS. telnet doesn’t do anything for me and the nc command example can’t be used since netcat is not available and nc is the ‘notification center’ app.

But curl works:

Unable to specify controller and action: (, index)[~] # 

Or you could use BrowserStation to check for connectivity:

Hi, blicke nicht mehr durch. Alles ist auf dem NAS eingestellt wie Ben gepostet hat.
Ich habe keinerlei Veränderungen gemacht. Letzte Aktion in Backlight war vor einigen Wochen ein Modul Update ohne Fehler. Jetzt wollte ich erneut updaten, jetzt werden die Module nicht mehr gefunden.
Die Webseite funktioniert normal.

Das ist die gleiche Fehlermeldung die du schon vor einer Woche geposted hast. Hast du unterdessen versucht mit SSH or BroswerStation dich mit zu verbinden?

Vom iPad aus erhalte ich das gleiche Fenster, welches du 2 Posts höher gepostest hast. Ist das nun ein Fehler oder normal?


Diese Meldung ist normal. Aber von Interesse ist, das vom NAS aus auszuführen, denn da hast du ja die Fehlermeldung.

Keine Ahnung wie das geht, habe zur Zeit nur iPad zur Verfügung.
Dann halt nach dem Urlaub am Donnerstag,
Danke Daniel.


I strongly suggest that you move to a host that can provide proper support. As you’ve encountered over and over again, systems administration is NOT a consumer level skill. Backlight is intended to be installed on well-configured hosts.

My host is - never problems best support.
The problems are on my Qnap NAS since october 14th.


Hi, other question, if I install backlight over the existing backlight version, are all gallerys gone? Maybe I rename the folder and do a new install and change to backlight publisher (a lot of work) on my NAS (test environment).


If you fully replace the backlight directory then you will lose your albums.

Backlight can safely be reinstalled by navigating to backlight/installer and going through the process of installing it again. However, that requires being able to connect to

@Ben Hi Ben, I tried to install Backlight again on my NAS:

Should I send you access to my NAS, SFTP or other?
