On line, finally (but still one issue)

The site, lucnadeau.ca, the revised and bilingual version is finally online.
Save from some cosmetic changes, it’s basically the same as before, the major change is the use of the language switch.
The only outstanding issue I have (for now) is that around the 698-pixel viewport, the thumbnails take up way too much space. I’ll try targeting that specific area and use CSS to control what seems to me as a padding issue.

UPDATE: Thanks to Rod and Daniel’s guidance in previous dealings with this issue, I was able to solve this issue to my satisfaction.

Were you able to solve this with the breakpoints controls in the designer?

You should have been able to set the number of columns under a selected breakpoint, and then use the “Enforce Squares…” and “Enforce Coverage…” options eliminate padding in the cells.

The issue has been solved with a little targeted CSS

/* page à propos marge supérieure bloc texte*/
      .pages-template-identifier-propos .the__copy>.content {
	   margin: 200px auto;
	/* marges entre breadcrumbs et image*/
		.the__copy {
		margin: 0px auto;

The issue seemed to me with the margin setting…