Password Problem

I am having a problem with password-protected albums. My site does not accept the designated password. But if I return to Backlight and reenter the same password, it is then accepted in the album for some as yet undetermined period of time. It acts as though it remembers that the album is password-protected but forgets after a while what the password is. This applies to all albums I have password-protected.

What sort of albums are these? Regular albums or Client Response?
Are you using Pangolin or Okapi albums?

You’re using Backlight Publisher rather than Lightroom Publisher?

If a regular album, when you set a “password” are you actually entering an “Access Code” for a Protected album?

These are regular albums using Pangolin. I am publishing via Lightroom and setting the access code in the Features section of Backlight3. Rod, I would be happy to supply you with url, my Admin info and the access code in a private message.

Do you see the access code in the Features tab of the albums in Lightroom Publisher?
(I don’t remember off the top of my head whether the actual code shows or if it’s hidden with asterisks.)

If not, try entering it there. I don’t know that if an album is created in Lightroom that the access code must also be entered in Lightroom.

I think you have again found the solution for me. The features section in Lightroom only shows dots rather than the code, but the number of characters didn’t match the code I had entered in Backlight. Entering them in Lightroom seems to do the trick. Thanks again.

there are certain album and album set fields, like Album/set Title and Description and page copy that are shared between Backlight and Lightroom publishers. In other words, if you initially published an album with Lightroom and then changed any of those fields in Backlight Publisher, those changes get migrated back to Lightroom.
I don’t know that the access code is one of those. I doesn’t appear to be.

Message received that to be sure, if you start with LR to build sets, stick strictly with LR.

Only if you want to continue to control everything from Lightroom.
I find it’s sometimes easier to add text to an album in Backlight after I’ve published using Lightroom. There are just certain things that are either/or.

If you ever want to decouple an album from Lightroom and put it completely under Backlight control, edit the album in Backlight and look for the Advanced Settings tab.

Thanks for that hint. I also see that manual movement of album covers (icons) happens only in Backlight.

You can assign cover images in Lightroom from the existing album thumbnails. There’s also a way to publish custom thumbnails and assign them.
But manually uploading of cover and Hero images can only be done from within Backlight.
Personally, I think the new manual uploading for custom thumbs and Hero images is a lot easier to implement and to manage.

All of the old ways to doing this remain intact. The new, I think superior ways of doing this, are because we can use Backlight’s admin to overcome the limitations of Lightroom’s plugin architecture. It’s not that we’re withholding features from Lightroom users; we’re just able to do more outside of Lightroom, and those features can then be used by all – Lightroom users or not – via Backlight’s admin.