Ok - that is strange. Here is the phplugins-pangolin-sample.php file I have in the phplugins folder:
* TTG Core Elements "PHPlugins" User Hooks v1.2 - initialization mainline
* developed by john bishop images (http://johnbishopimages.com)
* for Matthew Campagna of The Turning Gate (http://theturninggate.net)
function ttg_user_load( $style, $path ) {
$g_tsvrl = explode( ' ', $style ); // Extract gallery type
define ( 'G_STYLE', strtoupper($g_tsvrl[1]) ); // and set global for later
$g_path = str_ireplace('\\','/',$path); // change \ to /
$chunks = explode('/',$g_path); // and put into array
define ( 'G_PATH', strtoupper($chunks[count($chunks)-2]) ); // gallery folder name is second to last
//define ( 'TTG_SITE', ''); // set new site root for navigation, resources, etc.
* *************************************************************************************
* * *
* * Warning! When using echo or print special care must be qiven to using quotes. *
* * *
* * Strings inside single quotes must contain only double quotes *
* * or all single quotes must be escaped (ie \') or vice-versa *
* * *
* *************************************************************************************
* Fourteen user exits are defined in all web engines - all are optional
* (i.e. ttg_user_load.php may be the only processing)
* Some web engines will have additional exits defined, specific to that gallery type
* Each is called with the same parameters:
* %1 - TTG gallery-style gallery-release
* 3 blank delimited values
* - %1.1 - 'TTG'
* - %1.2 - string describing gallery type; no embedded blanks
* - %1.3 - a series of two to three period delimited integers
* describing gallery release level; x.y or x.y.z
* %2 - server filesystem file name and path of calling file
* Defined exits:
* ttg_user_load
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately after this file returns
* - called before any output is produced
* - all header and response variables are accessible
* - cookie and session processing can be initialized
* - globals to be used by later hook calls can be defined
* ttg_head
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately before </head>
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content into the <head>
* ttg_header_top
* - if return=false, the contents of the normal Backlight header are skipped
* - called immediately within the header section
* - encompasses the full contents of the header section; can be used to replace those contents
* ttg_header_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called last in the header section
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the end of the header section
* ttg_masthead_primary_top
* - if return=false, normal Backlight masthead is skipped
* - called immediately before the masthead element
* - fully encompasses the masthead; can be used to replace it
* ttg_masthead_primary_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately after the masthead
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content after the masthead
* ttg_masthead_secondary_top
* - if return=false, normal Backlight masthead is skipped
* - called immediately before the masthead element
* - fully encompasses the masthead; can be used to replace it
* ttg_masthead_secondary_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately after the masthead
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content after the masthead
* ttg_navigation
* - if return=false, normal Backlight navigation is skipped
* - navigation is separate from the header section, so not affected by the above ttg_header... hooks.
* - encompasses the navigation <ul> element; can be used to replace it
* ttg_main_top
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately within the main content column
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the very top of the main content column
* - located outside the password protected area
* ttg_main_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately before closing the main content column
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the very bottom of the main content column
* - located outside the password protected area
* ttg_footer_top
* - if return=false, the contents of the normal Backlight footer are skipped
* - called immediately within the footer section
* - encompasses the full contents of the footer section; can be used to replace those contents
* ttg_footer_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called last in the footer section
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the end of the footer section
* ttg_pallet_top_title
* - if return=false, the encompassed code is skipped
* - wraps the site title in the top pallet
* - use to replace the site title
* ttg_toggle_T1
* - if return=false, the encompassed code is skipped
* - wraps the label element for "page__toggle__T1"
* - use to replace the toggle button with one of your own making
* ttg_toggle_T2
* - if return=false, the encompassed code is skipped
* - wraps the label element for "page__toggle__T2"
* - use to replace the toggle button with one of your own making
* ttg_social_top
* - if return=false, normal content is skipped
* - called immediately before social media icons in the top pallet
* - encompasses the social media icons; can be used to replace them
* ttg_social_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately after social media icons in the top pallet
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content following the social media icons
* ttg_scripts
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately before </body>
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the very bottom of the page
* ttg_copy_top
* - if return=false, normal copy is skipped
* - called immediately within the page copy area
* - encompasses the page copy; can be used to replace it
* ttg_copy_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately before closing the page copy area
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content following the page copy
* ttg_pallet01_top
* - if return=false, pallet content is skipped
* - called within pallet01, after masthead and navigation
* - encompasses the pallet01 content area
* ttg_pallet01_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called after the pallet01 content
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the end of pallet01
* ttg_pallet02_top
* - if return=false, pallet content is skipped
* - called within pallet02, after masthead and navigation
* - encompasses the pallet02 content area
* ttg_pallet02_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called after the pallet02 content
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content at the end of pallet02
* ttg_albumset_top
* - if return=false, normal copy is skipped
* - called immediately within the media area
* - encompasses the gallery grid / slideshow; can be used to replace it
* ttg_albumset_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately before closing the media area
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content following the gallery grid / slideshow
* ttg_album_top
* - if return=false, the album content is skipped
* - called immediately within the media area
* - encompasses the album grid / slideshow; can be used to replace it
* ttg_album_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called immediately before closing the media area
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content following the album grid / slideshow
* ttg_single_top
* - if return=false, single image and content are skipped
* - called immediately above the single image display
* - encompasses the single image and related metadata; can be used to replace it
* - available only on single-image HTML pages for applicable album templates
* ttg_single_bottom
* - return value ignored
* - called after the single image display
* - encompasses nothing; use to insert content following the single image display
* - available only on single-image HTML pages for applicable album templates
// Some example functions are included below. Feel free to delete or modify unwanted functions.
// ****************************************************************************************************
function _HOOK_( $style, $path ) {
echo '
return false;
} // END /**/
function ttg_main_top( $style, $path ) {
echo '<ul style="background-color:#FFF9C4;color:#000;margin:1.5rem 0;padding:24px 36px;">';
echo '<li><strong>This gallery is private</strong>.</li>';
if (LOGGED_IN) {
echo '<li><small>The user is logged in</small>.</li>';
} else {
echo '<li><small>The user is logged out</small>.</li>';
} else {
echo '<li><strong>This gallery is public</strong>.</li>';
echo '</ul>';
return false;
} // END /**/
function ttg_toggle_T1( $style, $path ) {
// Below, the bare minimum markup required for functioning toggles;
// fill in the LI element as you wish. Custom CSS may be necessary.
echo '
<label for="page__toggle__T1">
return false;
} // END /**/
function ttg_pallet_top_title( $style, $path ) {
// Below, the default markup for the title. The LI wrapping element is mandatory;
// replace the inner HTML as you see fit. Retain the "masthead_pallet_top" class and styling,
// or assign a new class, with styling defined in custom CSS.
// Take note, the top pallet height is a 48px fixed value.
echo '
<li class="masthead_pallet_top">
<h1><a href="/">Your Site Title</a></h1>
return false;
} // END /**/
function ttg_navigation( $style, $path ) {
echo '
<ul class="primary-menu menu mouseable">
<li class="menu-item"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li class="menu-item menu-item-has-children"><a href="/galleries">Galleries</a>
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li class="menu-item"><a href="">Sub-item 1</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="">Sub-item 2</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="">Sub-item 3</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="">Sub-item 4</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="">Sub-item 5</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="">Sub-item 6</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="">Sub-item 7</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="">Sub-item 8</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="/blog">Blog</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="/about">About</a></li>
<li class="menu-item"><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>
return false;
} // END /**/
// Adding new social media icons before ...
function ttg_social_top( $style, $path ) {
echo '
<li><a target="_blank" href="" class="social_media fa fa-google-plus"></a></li>
return true;
} // END
// ... and after.
function ttg_social_bottom( $style, $path ) {
echo '
<li><a target="_blank" href="" class="social_media fa fa-pinterest"></a></li>
<li><a target="_blank" href="" class="social_media fa fa-instagram"></a></li>
} // END /**/
// Highlight menu item for current page
function ttg_scripts( $style, $path ) {
echo <<<SCRIPT
$("ul.menu a[href='" + window.location.pathname + "']")
.parentsUntil('.menu', 'li')
return false;
} // END /**/
// ****************************************************************************************************
Is this not the same (aside from my user edits)?