Problem with Profile Selection - managed album


I have the problem that I can not select the profile on a managed client album.

Whatever profile I am selecting, the selection does not change.

I can only change the profile from the client over the “phpliteAdmin”

Cant you help me pleas

Are you talking about selecting the client response Feeback Profile in the “Integration” section when creating or editing an album? If so, are you using Lightroom’s Publish Services, or the Backlight Publisher?

Hello Matthew,

I take over assign album

Hello Matthew,

please help me. I use your CMS since 2013. Since Baklight 2 I have problem with the selection the profileLookup form managed album.

Me only solution is to select the profile manual over the Database.

Please Look my Screenshoots. When I select the Album 4336 and 15024

Is that my Array from profileLookup

additionally Album ID bigger 99999 is whiteout Value
Array ( [3595] => 1 [4336] => 1 [89851] => 1 [449563] => [564954] => [905412] => [946418] => )

Thanks in Advance
I hope my description is ok an help you

Additional I have a screenshoot from the Database

Look Clint ID 130

I can’t reproduce the problem.
Have you tried changing the profile in the album settings under the Integration tab?

Hello Rod,

When i select the visibility from gallery of public or protect. The selection over Integration work.

So the issue is that you can’t change the Feedback Profile from the Backlight > Admin > Users > Clients: Assign Albums page?


Ben will need to take a look to see why this isn’t working on the Assign Albums page. Give him a little time as he’s probably busy with the Backlight 3.1 update.
But at least you can change the profile at the album level.

Ok Thanks :pray:t6:

Hi @No_name, can you share a Backlight admin login via direct message so that I can look into this?

Hi @No_name, thanks for the access. It looks to me like a bug in our code, but I can’t tell what the cause is. Can you provide me with FTP access so that I can do some debugging? And if so, is it safe for me to try changing the assigned albums for the ‘1234’ user?

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Hi @No_name, I can see what looks to be a serious flaw in the album assignment page. I am very surprised that this hasn’t been encountered before, since it’s been like this for a year or two.

The matching is performed between the first checkbox and the first dropdown, followed by the second checkbox and the second dropdown, and so on. The issue is that with non-CR albums, which have ‘N/A’, there is no dropdown. So there is a mismatch in the sequence. In your page this effectively means you have:

[checkbox 1] N/A
[checkbox 2] [dropdown 1]
[checkbox 3] [dropdown 2]
[checkbox 4] N/A
[checkbox 5] [dropdown 3]

This came about with the decoupling of protected albums and CR albums. Prior to this all albums that could be assigned used templates with CR enabled, so this wasn’t an issue.

I will need to rework this approach. Would you be happy to use the testing stream of Backlight 3 to help in testing while I fix this issue? This will be nearly identical to the main release.

In the mean time, can you update your Backlight Modules to the latest?

Hello Ben,
okay I understand. Thank you :blush:

Yes I can test it.
I have updated Backlight to 3.1

Hi @No_name, I’ve put in a fix for this, which is in our testing stream. I’ve changed your site to use this stream and the issue is fixed. See the assignment of the three albums for 1234 to wedding/shooting/print. Can you please test it to confirm that this is fixed?

The testing stream only has a few very minor changes to the main release. When logged in as admin you’ll see a red ‘testing’ badge in the footer. Once you’ve confirmed that this fixes it I’ll apply the change to the main release and change your site back to that.

FYI, the fix I put in was to use a hidden field for crg_feedback_profile_id[] for rows that have N/A. This is a simple solution that’s less likely to break the code elsewhere.

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Hello @Ben,
tank you very much for fixed the issue.

Great Idea how you solved the issue. :+1: