Providing Downloadlink with Backlight?

Is there a way to provide a “somehow protected*” download-link to a High-res-file through my Backlight Site?

  • Not to easy to access e.g. by only surfing to my domain - but not password protected - only individual link

Thanks for any advice.

The downloads set up in the album template are accessible to anyone that can access the album.

The only way to provide a high-res download via a private link is to use the Cart. Your visitor could “purchase” the image (use the Invoiced checkout method) and would receive a download link. But you would then need to mark the order as paid. You do this in the Backlight Cart admin area.

Ok, thanks Rod… its is not what I was looking for. I also thought about a password protected album… but also to complicated to do that for each image (my plan would be to offer the high-res download for NFT buyers.

might be a way to do that on an image by image basis using WordPress or other platform. But it would need to be separate from Backlight.

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to say “NFT” here … :zipper_mouth_face:

I had to look it up :thinking:

If anyone would like to purchase an NFT for my message above – or for this reply – please contact me directly.


@Matthew Who knows what will remain after the bubble burst, the idea is to good to disappear completely but to strange to remain at it is.

regarding to the topic… I decided to just put zipped files in a folder on the server and go for it. I had the idea to put a password on the zip-file before… but I decided that this would over-complicate things for now.