Publishing photos

with Backlight I have two possibilities to publish photos:
1.) with Lightroom Publisher
2.) web based with the Backlight Publisher
In the past I published with Lightroom and can see all my Libraries also in the web based publisher.
Now my Questions:
1.) When I publish with the web based publisher is there a possibility to see the published photos and Libraries also in Lightroom?
2.) I published up to now all pictures from my iMac at home. Is there a possibility also to use my Macbook and Lightroom to publish my photos and see the added ones also on the iMac vice versa? I think the web based publisher will always show them all wherever they have been published from.

  1. No
  2. Publishing from Lightroom is catalog specific. So unless you’re using the same catalog on both computers, then no.
    You can publish from Lightroom on your laptop but you won’t see those albums in Lightroom on your desktop unless you are using the same catalog (transferring it from desktop to laptop and back) or unless you use the Lightroom Voyager plugin to transfer published collections from one catalog to another.

Thanks Rod!