reCAPTCHA changes

I had an email this morning from “Google Cloud” which started…“We’re writing to inform you that all Google reCAPTCHA keys will need to be migrated to a Google Cloud project by the end of 2025” and then proceeded to advise me follow instructions to manually migrate from reCAPTCHA Classic.
Could this be something to do with linking me to Backlight 5’s use of reCAPTCHA?
I see from my Backlight 5 Admin panel a v2 ReCAPTCHA key (but the v3 key field is empty).
Would you advise me to do anything or will Backlight updates take care of everything (hopefully the latter as I’m not very tech savvy!)?

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We have info on the two reCAPTCHA versions, and why or when you should use one over the other, here:

This migration stuff is news to me, but the best info I’ve found on it so far is this:

Thanks @Matthew. That’s reassuring. It’s a pity that the original mail from Google wasn’t as clear.

Thanks @Ben . I was reassured by Google’s advice in the links in Matthew’s reply:

Your reCAPTCHA classic key will automatically be migrated”;
will create a new Google Cloud project for you and migrate the key there”;
You do not have to change your integration once the key is migrated. It should continue working on your site as it does now” and
There is no fee”.

So, I’m now puzzled as to why you think we need to take action and why you chose to do the migration manually.

I was simply trying to provide support and missed that one sentence in the email.

The outcome of this discussion:

  1. No. Backlight does not need any updates for this.
  2. Google recommends that you make these changes now. If not, this will be migrated automatically on your behalf by Google later in the year.