I don’t remember seeing this before, but when I open my site in Firefox, there is a dark S inside of a white circle with a red border in front of the Galleries-Coyotepixel Photography in the Tabs heading. The address bar doesn’t have it. Maybe I missed it before, but I am curious and do I have the option of changing it?
Thanks, Jim
PS, it’s in the same place as the Turninggate Logo square in the Tab for your site
Do you mean the favicon? can you share a link?
Must be the favicon…
Been a while since I’ve changed anything other than albums. I’m guessing there is someway to create a Favicon…
You can create your own favicon and upload it (Backlight > Designer > Templates > Upload images) then assign it in your page template(s) under Advanced Setup > Iconography
Thank you! You’re my fave…