Scrolling the main copy only

Is there a way to scroll through the main copy while both pallets left and/or right stay static where they are? I use the pallets for generic or other info on some pages and it would be quite nice if they can stay put while the main text goes up and down.

You can do this with custom css using the Position property and then adding margin (left or right, depending on the layout) to the page copy area.

Here’s an example: two-column-page - Rod's Outstanding BL5 test site
This is with the standard two column layout with the pallet on the right. Pallet set to 240px wide.

This is the css I used:

#page__pallet__T1 {
.the__copy {

This looks good at desktop widths but once you start shrinking the browser, you’ll see some problems. the css will need to be put ito a media query so that it only affects the page above the breakpoint.
There may be additional media queries needed containing css that controls the width of the main text before the breakpoint is reached (the pallet copy starts intruding on the main copy before the breakpoint).