Search yields error

I updated all my modules recently and Search now seems to yield an error, most noticeably when trying a multi-word search in quotes like “new hampshire”. At least that’s what I’ve observed. The error it gives is “The shopping cart is currently unavailable”. Strange that it would give a Cart error only on Search. And indeed, the Cart symbol is disabled for items from the search results.

My site:

Hi @mblanchette1, for some reason your server is returning a 404 when the cart tries to send a referer URL with ? in it. So, a search page like this throws an error (due to the ?abc):

But the search page without the search string doesn’t:

Can you try disabling the cart on the template you’ve assigned for Search?

I turned off the Cart on the Search page and still get the same error

did you also try clearing template cache?

Yes, I did it twice to be sure and I still get the error but not every time. Weird.

I think you need to try cache and storage delete. I think this will be workable!