Slideshow/Single Image Page Changes?

  1. I would like to remove (or hide) the image/share icon and menu from the Slideshow. (The one that brings up Facebook, Twitter, etc.) But I would like to keep the others…

  2. On the Single Image Page, I would like to keep the Breadcrumbs, except for the filename. Can I eliminate/hide the filename but keep the Gallery>Album Name?

Any help is appreciated (but type slowly - I am just starting this!)

Here’s this for the sharing icons:

You may also be able to hide the filename breadcrumbs with custom css.
I’ll look at it when I get back to my pc

I know what css is, just not really how to use it. I have a custom css file that already has instructions to increase the font size of the breadcrumbs. That is working. So, I appended the css from the article that you referenced and it is not working. The Share button is still there, with all of the FB, Twitter choices.
When I inspect the Share button, it looks like it references a slightly changed line. Maybe something is different or I did something wrong (more likely).
Thanks, I will wait to here more from you.

That should work with Pangolin albums. Can you post a link to your site so I can take a look?

This should remove that last breadcrumb the single image pages (for Single Image presentation):

ul.breadcrumbs li:last-child {

Wohoooo! That worked - both Slideshow and Single page. I forgot to clear the browser cache.
Thank you, so much.
