Smart Essay Question

Looking for a bit more instruction on how to use smart album in Essay. I understand how to add keywords and create a smart album. I see the check box to make a smart album in Essay and add the key words but do I add publish the pictures in essay and only the keyword pics show? How do I add other pictures to the essay? Thanks for clarification.

Yes. To add other images via Publisher, they need to have the keyword(s)

You should also be able to add images to the text using html in the page copy.

Thanks - to clarify - after looking at my other albums, it appears that the Smart album option appears on all of my templates. Without being able to point to an Album Set or “Parent album” this feature would create multiples of the pictures in each album? Looking for benefits or shortcut for using. I like the idea.

Also when I create a smart album in backlight that does pull from LR folders with criteria, the default album is Essay? That is fine - just verifying. Then there is no need to create an additional Essay album?

Maybe, if you have the same image in multiple albums. I don’t know if duplicate images are considered. I may have tested that at one time but I’ve forgotten the results.

no. Unless you’ve set your essay album template as the default album template.

FYI - After playing with Essay yesterday I really like its functionality! Very flexible and easy to do once i figured it out. Here are a few tips - Smart albums are great for organizing pictures. Since I use LRC for my many pictures, I can use the smart album to get pictures from my LRC albums with keywords, ratings, location, etc as designed - wonderful addition to Backlight! I am still a bit confused as to why it is on every album as a check box but creating a Backlight “Smart album” functionality works great!

Once I created the smart album in LRC/Backlight publisher, I edited the Smart Album as an Essay directly in Backlight - adding text, pictures and markdown links. Loved it. Still working on it and would probably make it shorter next time but here is a view:

Still playing with a few things I’d like to add - ie link to YouTube Video in Theatre (or linking pic to bring up video. Also - I added the Essay to my trip Album set but would like to make it stand out - like a Hero image I could click on to go to the Essay? The Essay is an overview of the other albums in the set and would be great to “feature” it.

Thanks again for continuing to add great features to Backlight!

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You know, using essay and smart album features in combination is something I hadn’t even thought of. That’s very cool.

If you like the essay features in Pangolin, you should try them out using a Kookaburra template. The new Kookaburra Essay features in Backlight 5 are extremely cool.

:slight_smile: I haven’t tried the Kookaburra templates yet - still connected to LRC? May be a few months before I can explore again but will give a try.

Any tips or updates are appreciated on the Essay - novice at markdown and html - could do more “linking” to images but a little knowledge can be dangerous…

Never know what happens to software when you give it to users!
Thanks again - it saved me having to build in Portfolio!