Smileys in essays or any text at all

Hi, is it possible to add smileys to the text parts in next versions of Backlight? It would really add to my blog which I write in Essays

See if this helps in adding emojis with Markdown:

You can also add smileys with Font Awesome 5 icons. It would require writing the smileys (at least) in html

great tnx!

I don’t know how easy it is to use emoji’s on Windows platforms, but on a Mac I can just type an emoji anywhere I want. :sunglasses: Any modern browser/system should just accept them same as text, and you can use them in Backlight’s albums and essays as well.

Works in Windows too! Just hit the Windows button +. (period) and the emoji keyboard panel pops up. Real easy :eyes:
(learned something new today!)


On Mac, it’s Ctrl-Cmd-Space. 🫶

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ctrl-cmd-space THANKS😃