Some photos don't upload

Hey, all I create web galleries for my clients through backlight standalone publisher. of 1000 images maybe 10 don’t load I retry and 3 don’t load. I can do this several times and those three never do load. The log error from firefox reads

var endpoint=’/backlight/publisher/ajax_add_photos/893285/’;

var uppyOptions = {
	limit: 1, // No concurrent uploads
	debug: true,
	autoProceed: false,
	restrictions: {
		maxFileSize: 2147483648,
		maxNumberOfFiles: 5000,
		minNumberOfFiles: null,
		allowedFileTypes: ['.jpg', '.jpeg']
	locale: {
		strings: {
			youCanOnlyUploadX: {
				0: 'You can only upload %{smart_count} file at a time',
				1: 'You can only upload %{smart_count} files at a time'
			exceedsSize: 'This file exceeds maximum allowed size of',
			youCanOnlyUploadFileTypes: 'You can only upload these types of files:',
			uppyServerError: 'Connection with Server failed'

var dashboardOptions = {
	target: '#uppy-app',
	width: '100%',
	inline: true,
	hideRetryButton: true,
	hideCancelButton: true,
	showProgressDetails: true,
	proudlyDisplayPoweredByUppy: true,
	note: 'JPEG files only, up to 5000 files, up to 2 GB per file',

var xhrOptions = {
	bundle: false,
	endpoint: endpoint,
	fieldName: 'file',
	limit: 2,
	timeout: 120000,
	headers: {
		'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'

const uppy = Uppy.Core(uppyOptions)
	.use(Uppy.Dashboard, dashboardOptions)
	.use(Uppy.XHRUpload, xhrOptions)
	.on('complete', result => {
		console.log('successful files:', result.successful);
		console.log('failed files:', result.failed);
		if (result.failed.length > 0 && result.failed[0].response != undefined && result.failed[0].response.body != undefined && result.failed[0].response.body.message != undefined) {
			alert('The photo could not be uploaded: ' + result.failed[0].response.body.message);

My PHP is the latest,
my .ini is
allow_url_fopen = On
display_errors = Off
enable_dl = Off
file_uploads = On
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 600
max_input_vars = 5000
memory_limit = 2048M
post_max_size = 2048M
session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440
session.save_path = “/var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php74”
upload_max_filesize = 2048M
zlib.output_compression = Off

The files that are failing to load are under 2MB

any clues?

Thanks in advance

All photos are jpg?

yes they are: Jose0864|690x459

Can you inspect the browser requests using the dev tools and see if there’s an error message reported?

I really don’t see anything in the console. but on image 11 which failed tp load I see this as opposed to 12 which did load see the following;
[Uppy] [19:51:50] uploading 11 of 187 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj started uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nida00062a666yl836ac errored uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] timer done uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] uploading 12 of 187 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn started uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 65536 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 65218 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 65536 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 162224 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 97442 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 196608 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 113442 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 261280 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 194242 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 211746 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 326816 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 292546 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 310050 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 392352 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 326818 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 441120 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 391602 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 457888 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 457138 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 489154 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 522672 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 506658 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 556192 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 572194 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 620224 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:50] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 637728 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 621730 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 686512 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 653746 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 736032 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 687266 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 768048 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 703266 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 834336 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 752050 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 851104 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 801570 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 851104 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 883874 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 867104 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 916642 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugk000c2a66crgpq0wj progress: 921134 / 921134 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:51] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn progress: 941885 / 941885 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:53] [XHRUpload] ckss7nugq000d2a66snv6mtkn finished uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [19:51:53] [XHRUpload] timer done uppy.js:1:8772

I did see this not sure if it relates

Some cookies are misusing the recommended “SameSite“ attribute 4
Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read 475619
Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read 475619
Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read 475619
Cookie “PHPSESSID” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read

I retried one of the files that failed to load it failed again here is what the console stats;

This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”. view
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Using Core v1.2.0 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Using Dashboard v1.2.0 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Installing Dashboard to a DOM element ‘#uppy-app’ uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Using Dashboard:StatusBar v1.2.0 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Installing Dashboard:StatusBar to Dashboard uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Using Dashboard:Informer v1.2.0 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Installing Dashboard:Informer to Dashboard uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Using Dashboard:ThumbnailGenerator v1.2.0 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] Using XHRUpload v1.2.0 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:49] [Dashboard] resized: 1138.199951171875 / 548.2000122070312 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:56] [Dashboard] Files were dropped uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:56] Added file: Ellie174.jpg, uppy-ellie174/jpg-1e-image/jpeg-882809-1629939002390, mime type: image/jpeg uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:56] [ThumbnailGenerator] Generated thumbnail for uppy-ellie174/jpg-1e-image/jpeg-882809-1629939002390 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:12:56] [ThumbnailGenerator] Emptied thumbnail queue uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] Uploading… uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] uploading 1 of 1 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 started uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 164239 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 180239 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 326783 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 356319 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 424335 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 522639 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:02] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 572159 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:03] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 652959 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:03] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 735999 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:03] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 818303 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:03] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 progress: 882335 / 883397 uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:18] [XHRUpload] ckss8f4al00022a66cs1csrr9 errored uppy.js:1:8772
[Uppy] [20:13:18] [XHRUpload] timer done uppy.js:1:8772
successful files:
Array []
failed files:
Array [ {…} ]

Hi @ole.photoboy, there’s nothing to tell from the JS consoles I was referring to the Network inspector, to see what the server returns when trying to upload images.

Not sure what you’re looking for sorry, I tried it twice more now all the photos are online. I’ll be putting another gallery up next week. Hopefully, I can send you the info, that you need?

Hi @ole.photoboy, the steps depend on the browser you’re using. What browser are you viewing the site in?
In Firefox, I open the Web Developer Tools via Tools > Browser Tools > Web Developer Tools.
I then click on the Network tab. When I upload a photo there is an entry logged to a URL including /backlight/publisher/ajax_add_photos in it. Clicking that entry followed by clicking ‘Response’ shows what the server returned. This is an example of what the server returns for a successful upload:

Thanks Ben sorry for My inexperience. I’m sure Ill get this on my next upload in a few days. Ill et you a screen shot then.

Ben; I only get the “post” in the response column when the upload has been successful. If It’s not successful,

I do not see the …/backlight/publisher/ajax_add_photos
I’m attaching a screenshot of the successful ones although I’m sure that’s not helpful. Today I uploaded over 1260 images, 12 of which, required me to upload a second time individually. They do load so I eventually get all up there It’s just that if there is something I’m doing or my network is doing and I can fix it, It would be really helpful. I’m a long time user and really always have appreciated everything you guys are doing!!!

Ben here is the latest; I’m still experiencing this error.