Suspending a web site

My web hosting company wants me to upgrade to a VPS server at great cost, pretexting I/O and CPU usage excess! I find this astounding.
For testing purposes, if I delete my site from their server (by downloading to my computer all the files) could I re-install the site by simply uploading back all the files?
Does this make sense?
This way, I might be able to pinpoint which of my two websites is the culprit. I might go as far as to remove both, to see if indeed, my sites are the culprit.
I might have been hacked. How to tell?

What you’re describing, downloading then uploading a site, is exactly what I’ve done to take a development site on a subdomain and move it to the main domain.

The only issue I’ve run into has been that some assets uploaded via the Backlight Design uploader (like mastheads or favicon) didn’t make it. I don’t know why. But it was easy enough to upload them again.

I don’t know how to tell if you’ve been hacked. Perhaps your provider can help?

Thanks Rod, I think I will go thru the process… these people are adament that my two sites ( both Backlight 4) are taking up too much resources from the shared server I am using.
Looking to move to another Web Hosting…choosing is a bit confusing though…

There may be more efficient ways of taking a Backlight website offline. Renaming backlight/index.php to something else should render it inoperable.

Thanks Ben, I think I should try that. Once rendered inoperable, should the “suspicious activity” observed by my web host stop? The whole point of the exercise being to isolate one or both of the so-called offending sites.

Changed the index.php to
The site is now inoperable

Well, my migration woes just keep on coming!

I changed web hosting. It took a while for the Name Servers to be updated and the file migration seems incomplete. At least I recouped the email account.
But now, the site indicates “too many redirects”…I’m sure I’ll have to update some settings in Backlight, but I can’t access the Backlight page because of those redirects…
To compound the problem, I’ll be away for two weeks with only my phone to work with.
So on it goes…

This usually seems related to missing or incorrect .htaccess files (maybe index.php files too)
you could try uploading fresh .htaccess and index.php files to their respective locations in the root and the backlight/ folder.

  1. Get the .htaccess file from the Backlight installer, and make sure it’s in place on the new server.
  2. In Backlight Settings, make sure your site path is correct.
  3. In Backlight Modules, reinstall all modules to ensure you have all the files you should have under-the-hood.

Hello Matthew,

All is well now. It seems it was a question of updating the Name Servers to the new host.
Only lingering problem: email sent from or does not get thru.
What settings if any, manage the email module?

Info for setting up email properly is here:

All is well again at!

It seems that the messages sent thru the website to the user went to…junk mail!

Situation corrected.

Thank you.