Thumbnail images for Album sets

In the distant past I recall a discussion regarding how an album set gets its thumbnail images. I recall looking at this previously, CE2?, and never really managed to get it to work. I eventually just manually populated the /thumbnail directories with a few thumbnail images. Now I am experimenting with the Journal album set type and have found that thumbnail size again matters. I have updated my site with larger thumbnails and have again come across this issue.

For Example:
US travel has 4 subordinate album sets. One has empty /thumbnail directories and the other 3 have old low resolution thumbnails manually copied into the respective /thumbnail directories.

Central Time also cannot find a thumbnail and not sure why.

Central time favorites is the deepest album set and it too has trouble finding a thumbnail to display.

Looked in the documentation, a bit difficult to search, and in this forum but couldn’t find a discussion. If I could find the rules I’m sure I could get it to work. Thoughts?

The optimal thumbnailing flow has changed with the introduction of new features. See videos in these blog posts for demos.

Thanks Matt. The first tutorial was exactly what i needed.

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