Thumbnail size/cell margins/filename distance (CRG)

I’m sure I must be missing something simple & obvious but I can’t seem to find the right control in Designer that will enlarge thumbnail image size (and reduce cell margins), thereby reducing the gaps between thumbnails on the grid. I also want to move filenames closer to the thumbnail images but am stumped there too. Thanks in advance.

A few things control the size of the thumbnails other than just the rendition size.
The number of columns controls how much space is available. So fewer columns, bigger thumbnails.

In the template’s Thumbnail grid, near the top you’ll find Cell Margins, that’s the space between the cells that contain the thumbnails.

Minimum Cell padding controls the space between the thumbnails and the edge of the cell.

To help visualize this, temporarily enable borders and give them a contrasting color, like white. You’ll see the space between cells and the space between the thumbnails and the edge of the cell.

The aspect ratio controls the shape of the containing cell. Yours looks like it’s 1:1. This means that your horizontal images have a lot of space beneath them. You could try a 3:2 aspect ratio if you plan on only using horizontal images with this album template.

It also looks like the the Metadata 2 field is the only one that contains a token. This means that the Metadata 1 field is empty, but it’s still there taking up space. Try disabling Metadata 1.

And you can increase the size of the thumbnail renditions and republish the thumbnails.

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Thanks for the clear and helpful direction, Rod. Problem solved.