I just started using a new synology NAS, and installed a new wordpress site, in order to build a new homepage-set. I an not able to understand how to get my backlight with all my modules and setups installed on that site.
I tried to just copy the files from backlight, but that did not the trick. Then i thought I should try to install backlight anew, and when that was working, copy the old backlight files to the new site.
If iI try to acess backlight, from installer, or just to a gallery, I get the following error message (as defined in the installer.php in backlight/installer/lib:
if (!in_array(‘sqlite’, PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) {
$this->showErrorMessage(‘Unable to find the SQLite module. Backlight ‘.RELEASE.’ requires the PDO, SQLite and XML modules. Make sure that these modules are installed and enabled.’);
I need some help to get backlight starting. I have the newest backlight version.
I still have a problem though: Backlight cannot get access to theturningate to check on modules. I am thus unable to upgrade my installation to the latest version.
I enclose the errormessage i get (in norweigan, I hope google can translate it).
This could be because your server doesn’t allow the loading of URLs with file_get_contents. If that’s the case, it should be configurable within your php.ini file. Edit the file and look for an entry for allow_url_fopen and change it so that the line looks like:
allow_url_fopen = On
Then restart PHP or Apache. If you don’t know where that file is, then visit Backlight > Special Links then PHP Info, and look at the entry for Loaded Configuration File.