Hi, there! I haven´t been around for a very, very long time (2019): Since that year I haven´t published anything with TTG Publisher and Lightroom Classic. I used then to work with Lightroom Classic 6.14 and the TTG Publisher. Now I regained acces to a new PC with the latest LRC-Version. I upgraded to Backlight 5 last week.
I installed the latest TTG Publisher Plugin to my new LRC but the old album sets and templates cannot be adressed. Is there a way to get them back? Otherwise I would need to backup the complete site and recreate each album I made before 2019… or is there a way to do this via the Backlight administration panel.
Thanks for your answers in advance
Are you using the same catalog as you originally did for your albums?
Publisher collections (album sets and albums) are catalog specific.
Were the old albums and templates created with Backlight? Or were you using an older TTG product like CE4?
Hi Rod,
yes they were al created with BL 3.2 and the catalog was “adapted/converted” to the newer LRC-Version.
So maybe I need to make all the settings again and hope that LRC will accept it for the next few years.
Are you getting any error messages?
Have you set the API key in both Backlight and LR Publisher?
What do you mean by this? That the albums do not appear in Lightroom or that you cannot connect to the albums with the Publisher plugin?
Hello Rod,
sorry I couldn´t answer quicker. But it seems to be fine now.
The field in which I use to pick the template I wanted to use when I create an album with TTG Publisher was all the time greyed out and I couldn´t find out why. This evening I started Lightroom Classic again and now everything seems to be fine.
Sorry if I have made you some unnecessary work. Next time I just will wait 2 days and watch the programm repair itself