Two instances of Backlight - just one gets updated

Hi all,
I have a productive Backlight 3.14 version up and running and had in my mind to start from scratch a new Backlight from scratch - without Wordpress or Lightroom.

So I created a while a go a second host and installed the current 3.14 version in it.

So far so good - unfortunately I did not have much time to create the new templates and designs… so the ‚new‘ webpage hibernated since then.

When ever there was a new Backlight version available I jumped on and interestingly just the ‚new‘ Backlight was updated correctly.

May productive one stays on version 3.14 - shows that there are 15 updates available - but when I click on update nothing happends.

I assume it has somthing to do with the licensing? What can I do to get my productive environment also up to date? is there a log available with details about the failing update process?

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

I was able to solve the problem - I had to reset the file permission

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