Up to 2 MB per file

I’m trying to upload photos to my album.
When I select publish in my backlight 3 go to my album and select add photo I get the message JPEG files only, up to 300 files, up to 2 MB per file.
I have not had problems before with files over 2 mb but now I can not upload those files.
How do I get large files added to my album now?

Maybe check the rendition size in your album template?

This is often indicative of having your quality setting too high for your exported images. I would also revisit the export settings in your software. If you’re using Lightroom, then this article is a must read:

And what you’ll see in his image comparisons is that 77-84 is the sweet spot. From 85 upward, file size balloons dramatically, while discernible image quality improvement is negligible.

Also take a look at your image dimensions. I typically export images 2048-pixels on the long-edge for web, and they tend to be 600-700K. I then run them through JPEGmini, and often get them down to ~500K before upload.

The maximum allowed file size is determined based on your PHP settings. If you have access to a php.ini file or able to set these via your host’s Control Panel, these can be adjusted by changing the values of these two settings:


If they are not equal, then the maximum file size will be the minimum of the two.