About the site lucnadeau.ca, all is well. But, a Google search for Luc Nadeau will yield “Luc Nadeau, artiste-graveur” as a first entry, that’s fine. It will link to the site correctly. But, there are also links to the pages (Oeuvres, Biographie, Contact, and Gallery) that are dead ends of the 404 kind. In fact they lead to the old address of [lucnadeau.ca/fr] (https://lucnadeau.ca/fr) witch is obsolete.
Is this a web indexing issue? I can’t find in Backlight any references to lucnadeau.ca/fr nor lucnadeau.ca/en.
probably an indexing issue. Submitting a sitemap might help. Otherwise, it’s probably just a matter of time for the search engines catch up.
You can ask google to crawl your updated site. See https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/ask-google-to-recrawl
I was on a chat line with my hosting company for just under an hour, they gave up. Went to the Google crawler but could not get it to work (I’ll try again today).
I am beginning to think that I might be responsible, in some way.
The fact is, nothing has changed yet.
Sorry about this post, but I just got to vent…!
You might just have to wait for the search engines to catch up with the changes.
In the meantime, you could add some redirects to your .htaccess file
Google “.htaccess redirect”
Thanks Rod.
Still trying to sort out the access to the lucnadeau.ca thru the Google search. As of now, googling “Luc Nadeau” returns links to the About page first, then the “Oeuvres” page, and the CONTACT and GALLERY pages.
What is strange is that the OEUVRES and GALLERY pages should lead to the same page. I think I mixed up the identifiers in the templates and/or the pages.
Search engines are notoriously slow.
This may or may not be helpful:
But otherwise, prior suggestions about implementing a sitemap (and then feeding it to Google directly), and requesting indexing should help, though will not be immediate.
To do all of this, you will need to set up in Google Search Console.
Thank you, Matthew, I’ve already created a site map and requested a re-indexing of the pages. I’ve also decided to “stick it out” for another week or so until I consider taking further action.
Thanks for all the help everyone!
Sometimes I get this feeling that I must have f***ked things up somehow. Like the Page ID versus the Template ID.
As a way of checking things, I made up a chart of all the ID’s (Page, Template and Body Class). I notice right away at least one glaring mistake.
The albums page template ID is artwork, the template ID is galleries but the Body class indicated in the page source is *album-set-template-identifier-lucfr-œuvres. Notice the error: lucfr-oeuvres does not exist anymore!
Any way to correct this?
Double check that you’re looking at the same sites.
You could try assigning a different album set template and then reassign the correct template.
When you deleted that template, you should have been asked which template you wanted to assign to the album set(s) the old one was assigned to.
(this is getting way off the original topic. If you have more questions regarding the templates and the body classes, can you start a new topic?)
I corrected the faulty template ID to album-set-template-identifier-luc-oeuvres.
But, will it help anything?
I don’ know because I’m really not sure of what the problem is. The template related body classes have nothing to do with search engine indexing. They’re really mainly there for targeting css to pages using the same template.
In the Google console, I tested the pages for indexing errors.
Up to now, the page à propos/about looks correctly indexed.
The pages bio, contact, photos, exhibitions and oeuvres/works, test correctly and I have requested indexing for these pages.
However. the page video has as canonical selected by Google URL https://lucnadeau.ca/fr/video/ whereas the user declared canonical is entrevue - Luc Nadeau that is correct and should be selected by Google. But in the source code page body class it is listed as album-template-identifier-luc_video.
That should have nothing at all to do with the indexing. That’s simply a class that allows you to target css.
As Matt said, you may just have to wait for Google and the other engines to do their indexing.
Yeah, don’t worry about the class names. Those are applied only so that folks can target specific pages and page areas using CSS and JS, via custom stylesheets or PHPlugins. Google doesn’t care about classes.