Watermark issue

Uploaded a 960 px png watermark to “Uploaded images”:
Selected the image in my Album starter - Justified template and configured it.
Section Photos: Set “Apply watermark for publishing in Backlight Admin” to ON.
Saved it.

Did not find any watermark in my albums.

Logged out from BL Backend, refreshed browser of website - no watermark.

Re-Published the album from Lightroom Publisher - still no logo there.
Tried to configure the use of watermark from Lightroom Publisher - Aply or not apply watermark - still no watermark.

Leads to confusion:
I can configure watermarks from both backends.

  1. from LR Publisher: Edit Album: Features: Watermark to apply
  2. From Backlight: Template Album settings: Configure watermark
    Which one prevails?

But even when I disabled the LR Publisher “Appplication of watermark” - still no watermark on my images.

What to do now?

According to the documentation, watermarking via Backlight applies to albums published using Backlight’s Publisher, rather than Lightroom’s.

I followed exactly these instructions. LR Backend was just a cling to a straw. I do not use it.

“In the Photo Presentation control group, you can also scroll down to the “Downloads” section. If you select “Create custom download rendition …”, you will be able to configure a separate downloadable image rendition, and you may choose whether or not to display watermarks on these images as well.”

I cannot find a “Downloads” section in the Photo Presentation Control Group of my album Starter - Justified template.

Looks like Downloads got moved to the Advance Setup section.
Matt will need to revise the docs.

Hi Rod, thank you for your continued support.

I have found the "Downloads section " in the Advanced Setup.
So I used “Create custom download renditions in Publisher” and set the “Apply watermark for publishing in Backlight Admin” to ON.

No watermark appeared.

Not after refreshing and restarting the browser, deleting browser history and images, Logout, login from BL and re-publishing the images from LR.


I thought that having Backlight create the watermarks was limited to images published using the Backlight Publisher rather than Lightroom. At least that’s what the documents state.

If using our Publish Services plugin to manage your albums from Lightroom Classic, use Lightroom’s built-in watermarking features instead. This page applies only when uploading images via Backlight’s own Publisher.

If you’re using Lightroom Publisher, make sure it’s set to create watermarks. Edit the Publisher settings, check the Watermarks box. You may have to choose “Edit Watermarks…” and browse the hard drive to your image file.

I set: Album template/Design/Image Renditions/Configure Watermarks => OFF
(How else should BL know that LR is in charge of watermarks)

Then: in LR I configured a graphic watermark in the LR Export dialog watermarking edit watermarks and saved it as a new preset.

Then: In the LR-TTG Publisher/Edit Album/Features/Watermark to apply I choose the recently saved watermark preset

Album marked to re-publish > Publish Now

Browser refreshed and restarted, browser history and images deleted, Logout, login from BL, checked album about Configure Watermarks OFF and re-published the images from LR.

Bad news - no change.
Can it be that difficult?

New in Backlight 4, watermarks configured in Backlight’s templates will now be applied to images published by Lightroom.

If you want to use Backlight’s watermarks, then do not use Lightroom’s watermarking features.

If you want to use Lightroom’s watermarking features, then disabled watermarking in your album template(s) in Backlight.

To ensure photo renditions are updated when published from Lightroom, check your publisher settings. Disable the options to only update metadata and/or thumbnails.

Thanks for catching the documentation discrepancy, @rod_barbee. I’ve just pushed updates for that page.

your advice for publishing watermarks from LR worked.
Publishing watermarks from Backlight still does not. Not even after having disabled this function from the LR side.

Thank you Matt and Rod.
For me the problem is currently solved, for Backlight I am not sure.


Were you publishing images via the Backlight publisher rather than Lightroom publisher?

No, I published them via LR.

Then the watermarks you set in Backlight will not be applied. That is only for images published via the Backlight Publisher.

Ah, there’s an option in settings:

Publish Master Renditions from Lightroom

This enables Backlight to create image renditions from the Lightroom published photos, and would therefore allow Backlight to apply the watermarks. I believe this option needs to be enabled.

Thank you, problem solved.

Apparently I need more hand holding. For the first time in several years, probably BL1, I decided to update the size of my images and thumbnails. I use LR to do the publishing, New larger images and thumbnails look good but I have also managed to loose all of my watermarks. Worked my way though the discourse here without result.

-Publishing from LR, v6.0.2, tried redownloading and reinstalling

-Rechecked the Watermark image, same for several years, LR exports using HD export with Watermark without problem, also uploaded .png to BL4

-Tried using a different image for the BL watermark, no help

-Turned on “Publish Master Renditions from Lightroom” no help, off again, still no help

-When PMRFL is on, a new directory is created on the server /master that contains images without a watermark, the photos and thumbnails images also do not contain a watermark either when downloaded from the server or when viewed on the website. Sizes on the server are 1016.6KB, 737.23KB and 344.43KB respectively.

-Tried publishing without watermark from LR and turned on BL Watermark in album template with PMRFL on, no help

-cleared cache, history, reloaded browser and BL multiple times

Not sure where to go from here. I intrinsically like the idea of uploading a single image and letting BL to the work of generating images but not yet sure of the result, I am just not sure as there is not an opacity setting like LR.


After turning on watermarking in Backlight, did you republish images?
I think that the watermarking in Backlight occurs just after the master images are uploaded. So you may need to publish again

Yes. Republished. Made sure the check boxes were unchecked to force images to reupload. Indeed the server shows the new “/master” subdirectory.

Tried both with LR watermarks turned on and off as well as BL watermark on and off.

Also tried an “in your face” watermark image to make sure it wasn’t being applied but not visible due to an odd opacity setting problem.

In your album template, have you both configured watermarks and enabled watermarking for photos and thumbnails in the Image Renditions section?


Yes to both. Just republished with LR turned off and BL on with both activated and using bold watermark.

Technical question? When I look at the image files on the server, Should I see a watermark on the images in the photos and now thumbnail directories? And not on images in the /master directory?