Web gallery Q

I need to add my (CE4 Client response gallery) web gallery template to a new machine i purchased, can anyone advise how, possibly?

The installation location depends on your operating system.

I don’t recall the Mac location, but in Windows, the CE4-CRG.lrwebengine folder is installed in the:

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Web Galleries folder
If you’ve created any web templates, then they would go in the Web Templates folder.

If you have a Mac, you can probably figure out the corresponding location. Look for a Lightroom folder that also contains the Web Galleries and Web Templates folder.

But if you have other things you want to transfer to your new machine, like Export presets, Metadata presets, Watermarks, Keyword Sets, etc., the easiest thing to do is to copy that Lightroom folder from your old machine to the corresponding location on your new machine

Many thanks Rod. Many thanks.