Feedback suddenly not working any more!?

Hi there,

My backlight installation is working fine except the feedback module.
All cart modules / albums working fine. So the error only occurs with feedback albums

I get the following site when entering an feedback album:

$customPath = ‘/’.‘backlight/custom’; $customStylesheetEnabled = (bool) ‘1’; $customStylesheetFilename = $customStylesheetEnabled ? ‘backlight.css’ : ‘’; $phpluginsFilename = ‘’; $noindex = false || (isset($album) && isset($enablePassword) && $enablePassword); if ($noindex) { echo ‘’; } $childType = ‘album’; $siteUrl = URLHelper::siteURL(); $imageUrl = null; $imageWidth = null; $imageHeight = null; if (isset($photo)) { $imageUrl = $photo->getUrl(‘photos’); list($imageWidth, $imageHeight) = getimagesize($photo->getLocalPath(‘photos’)); } elseif (isset($album) && $album->getPath()) { $webImageHelper = new WebImageHelper(); $webImageHelper->setRenditionPath(‘photos’); $coverImage = $webImageHelper->createCoverImageForAlbum($album); $imageUrl = $coverImage->getAbsoluteUrl(); if ($imageUrl) { $imageWidth = $coverImage->getWidth(); $imageHeight = $coverImage->getHeight(); } } $pageTitle = defined(‘PAGE_TITLE’) ? PAGE_TITLE : ‘’; if (isset($photo)) { $pageTitle = $photo->hasMetadata(Photo::$PHOTO_TITLE) ? $photo->getMetadata(Photo::$PHOTO_TITLE) : $photo->getFilename(); } elseif ((isset($album) && $album->getType() === ‘topLevel’) && defined(‘PAGE_TITLE’)) { $pageTitle = PAGE_TITLE; } elseif (isset($album)) { $pageTitle = $album->getTitle(); } elseif (isset($child)) { $pageTitle = preg_replace(’/’/’, “’”, $child->getTemplate()->getTitle()); } $description = ‘’; if (isset($photo)) { $description = $photo->hasMetadata(Photo::$PHOTO_CAPTION) ? $photo->getMetadata(Photo::$PHOTO_CAPTION) : ‘’; } elseif (isset($album)) { $description = $album->getDescription(); } $description = $description ? preg_replace(’/"/’, ‘"’, $description) : ‘’; $siteName = preg_replace(’/"/’, ‘"’, __c(‘COMPANY_NAME’)); $url = URLHelper::absoluteCurrentPageURL(); // RSS $siteTitle = __c(‘TITLE’); $siteTitle = preg_replace(’/[COMPANY_NAME]/’, __c(‘COMPANY_NAME’), $siteTitle); if ($childType == GenericEngine::$ENGINE_TYPE_ALBUM && isset($album) && __c(‘ALBUM_RSS_ENABLED’) == ‘yes’) { echo “\t”.’’."\n"; } else if (__c(‘SITE_RSS_ENABLED’) == ‘yes’) { echo “\t”.’’."\n"; } if (__c(‘GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_V3_TERMS_MODE’) == ‘text’) { } /** Hide share commands when crg or protected */ $crg = (bool) ‘’; $protected = isset($enablePassword) && $enablePassword; if (isset($album) && $album instanceof Album && ($crg || $protected)) { echo “\t”.’’."\n"; } if (isset($cssIncludes) && is_array($cssIncludes)) { foreach ($cssIncludes as $cssInclude) { echo “\t”.’’."\n"; } } if ($customStylesheetFilename) { echo “\t”.’’."\n"; } // PHPlugins Insert $void = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘head’); $slug = ‘’; $type = ‘album’; if (isset($album) && $album instanceof Album) { if ($album->getType() == ‘album’ || $album->getType() == ‘set’) { $slug = $album->getSlug(); } else if ($album->getType() == ‘topLevel’) { $slug = $album->getTopLevelGalleriesDirectory(); } }
$add_mode = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘header_top’); if ( $add_mode ) { $add_mode = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘masthead_primary_top’); if ( $add_mode ) {
} // ttg_masthead_primary_top $void = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘masthead_primary_bottom’); } // ttg_header_top $void = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘header_bottom’);
$void = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘main_top’); // Password if (isset($album) && (!isset($enablePassword) || $enablePassword) && !$logged_in) { if ($enablePasswordForProtectedPhotos) { if( (!isset($embedded) || !$embedded) && $album->showBreadcrumbs() ){ echo $album->getBreadcrumbs( array( ‘container’ => ‘ul.breadcrumbs’ , ‘child_container’ => ‘li.fa_pseudo’ ) ); } $has_copy = false; if((!isset($embedded) || !$embedded) && (($album->replacePageCopy() && $album->getPageCopy()) || ($album->getPageCopy() || $has_copy && !$album->replacePageCopy()))){
$add_mode = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘copy_top’); if ( $add_mode ) { echo isset($album) && ( $album->placePageCopyAbove() || $album->replacePageCopy() ) ? $album->getPageCopy() : ‘’; if( !$album || !$album->replacePageCopy() ){ } echo isset($album) && $album->placePageCopyBelow() ? $album->getPageCopy() : ‘’; } // ttg_copy_top $void = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘copy_bottom’);
} if ($enablePasswordForProtectedPhotos && $hasAdditionalPhotos && !$logged_in) {

echo __t(‘login_protected_photos.message’);

echo __t(‘login.access_code’);

// PHPlugins Replace $add_mode = !isset($phplugins) || $phplugins->dispatch(‘album_top’); if ( $add_mode ) { if ($album->cartEnabled()) { } if ($album->crgEnabled()) {

Does the problem remain if you disable the feedback in the album settings?

Have you tried creating and using another CR template?

Are you using the same page template used for the rest of the site for your CR template.

can you include a link to a malfunctioning album?

Is Backlight, and all modules, up to date?

Does the problem remain if you disable the feedback in the album settings?

If I disable the client response in the template that is used, then everything works. But then it is no more a customer feedback :slight_smile:

If I disable the feedback in Publisher under “Interaction” then the error remains.

Have you tried creating and using another CR template?
Yes, I created a newly one with only CR activated in “Add-on Features”. Still the same

Are you using the same page template used for the rest of the site for your CR template.

I am using the same page-template throughout all sites.

can you include a link to a malfunctioning album?

Is Backlight, and all modules, up to date?
Yes they are:

Application Module Installed Version Available Version
Backlight 5
Changelog Reinstall All module-framework 5.4.1 5.4.1 Reinstall
module-admin 5.4.1 5.4.1 Reinstall
module-designer 5.4.1 5.4.1 Reinstall
module-publisher 7.4.1 7.4.1 Reinstall
module-pages 5.0.2 5.0.2 Reinstall
custom-resources 5.4.1 5.4.1 Reinstall
pangolin-core 5.3.0 5.3.0 Reinstall
pangolin-album 5.0.7 5.0.7 Reinstall
pangolin-album-set 5.0.1 5.0.1 Reinstall
pangolin-essay 2.0.6 2.0.6 Reinstall
pangolin-journal 2.0.2 2.0.2 Reinstall
pangolin-page 5.0.7 5.0.7 Reinstall
kookaburra-core 1.4.1 1.4.1 Reinstall
kookaburra-album 1.4.2 1.4.2 Reinstall
kookaburra-album-set 1.4.0 1.4.0 Reinstall
kookaburra-essay 1.4.0 1.4.0 Reinstall
kookaburra-journal 1.1.0 1.1.0 Reinstall
kookaburra-page 1.4.2 1.4.2 Reinstall
okapi-core 3.0.5 3.0.5 Reinstall
Backlight Add-on: Cart
Changelog module-cart 8.1.4 8.1.4 Reinstall
Backlight Add-on: Client Response
Changelog module-client-response 11.1.4 11.1.4 Reinstall
Backlight Add-on: Galleria
Changelog pangolin-galleria 5.0.2 5.0.2 Reinstall

Is the Lightroom Publisher plug-in up to date?

I vaguely recall seeing something like this before, but haven’t been able to find it in a forum search. Hopefully, @Ben will know more.

Yes, it is on version 7.0

Hmmm. @Ben will likely need to take a look.

Have you tried reinstalling the Client Response module?
Also try clearing template cache (found on the Special Links page)

Yes - reinstalled CR
Yes - cleared template cache

I also moved the whole blacklight to a new server as my origin server is only running php 7.x. The new server is running php8.X.
I thought this would be the problem. But the error remains the same on the newly setup server as well.
So I assume there must be some misconfiguration or something else.

I had a deeper look into apache logs and found this:<thp>echo%20URLHelper::currentPageURL();</thp>

This is where I am beeing redirected to, after entering the correct password.

Does this help?

It might. @Ben will be the one who knows

Can you try disabling PHPlugins for the Template and clearing the template cache?

  1. CR is using Default Page als Template. I deactivated PHPlugins there under Advanced Setup.
  2. Admin → Special Links → Clear template cache

The Problem still exists.

I also created a completely new Page Template also with PHPlugins disabled. Same Problem.

@Ben any other hint?

Hi @elmex, I’ve found an error “Call to undefined function mb_strlen()”. This is a built-in PHP function that is missing on your server.

Please see my comment here for suggestions to fix this: Contact form is not working - #7 by Ben

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YEAH!!! Top work @Ben. This did the trick.

I have absolutely no glue why this module was not installed or has been removed or was never installed, what’s or ever… My guess is that mbstring was needed first time in the newer version which I installed some days ago.

Anyway! Thank you so much! Great work, and happy Backlight user :slight_smile:

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