Kookaburra 6 Alt attribute not filled on site

BL 6, Kookaburra album template

On the Design Template, in section Image Metadata, the IMG “alt” Attribute is switched on and tokens are set. As I understand (and see in Pangolin) the alt attribute should be used on the grid images.
However, the alt attribute on the site remains the filename.

did you publish the album before changing the token in the alt attribute?

Are you using Lightroom or Backlight to publish?

It seems to be working fine for me. I assigned the {Title} token to the Alt field and the title displays when I hover over the image thumbnails.

The title attribute is filled and shown as popup when hovering over the thumbnail. It is the alt attribute which is not changed from the default filename to the specified variables.

Below in both the ALT attribute is defined as {Title} {Headline}.
<img alt=“Drenthe-2024-013.jpg” class=" ls-is-cached lazyloaded" … title=“Koffie op de camping” width=“250”>
<img …;" alt=“Río Mapocho Graffiti” title=“Río Mapocho”>

I do use Lightroom to publish the albums. The definition is changed first and the albums are republished thereafter, with explicitly marking images to be republish.

You’re right

Looking at the page code for thumbnails, I too am seeing that the alt attribute is the filename, no matter what’s set in the template.

In the large images, I’m seeing that the large image alt attribute is populated by whatever is set in the album template > Image Captions > Metadata 1 and Metadata 2

I’ll check it. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks again. There was an ID mismatch, “imgAlt” instead of “img_alt”. The fix will be in our next update.