Lost icons in Backlight 4 gallery

looking at the Inspector and the page source code in your blog, I’m not seeing that Font Awesome 5 Free is being called at all. I see your custom css file, but no reference to Font Awesome 5 Free like I can see from your main site. That seems to be the problem.
I don’t know why the reference to the /backlight/custom/fontawesome/css/ folder isn’t being included in the WordPress theme. Something for @Matthew to take a look at.

You know what, for Backlight 4, you might need to enqueue the files yourself in a child theme. Something like this in the functions.php file for your child theme.

    // font awesome 5 free
      '<?php echo $url; ?>' . 'custom/fontawesome/css/all.min.css'

That path, custom/fontawesome/css/all.min.css might not be correct, but you should get the idea.

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