Publishing in Lightroom - 403 error

I have a new computer and I have reinstalled and updated Backlight but now I get a 403 error when trying to upload. Could I get a hand? I will gladly give login info.

Thanks in advance =)

Are you using the latest version of the TTG Publisher plugin?

Yes I am.

Do you have the correct API URL and key?
The first part of the API URL needs to match the site url you’ve entered in Backlight. For example, if your site url starts with https, so too should the api url.

Yes that should be correct because I haven’t changed it from when it worked before.

what happens when you try to authenticate?

Yes the Authentication works fine. And when uploading an album the first photo gets uploaded, and then I get the 403 error.

See images for Authentication and 403.

Sounds like the problem that was recently fixed in the latest Lightroom Classic. Are you on the latest version?

What happens if, after this error, you try publishing again?

It’s a fresh installation of light room as of today.

If I try to publish again after first error I get the error after ten seconds or so, and this time I don’t get the first image of the album published as I get when publish an album for the first time

Any firewalls or virus protection enabled that could be blocking uploads to the server?

Nothing more than the regular Windows Security and no new firewalls since previously when it worked.

This looks correct?

Now, this is weird. But if I choose 10 images or fewer I can upload a new album without any problem. If I add more it will fail. Sometimes it fails anyway but works mostly.

Any ideas?

Looks correct.
Do you have another computer with Lightroom installed that you can try publishing from?

I think that @Ben will need to take a look. Try searching the forum for “403” as well. I didn’t see any definitive fix, but it might give you some ideas.

Hi @anhede, 403 corresponds with the web server ‘Forbidden’ error. That there’s no further message suggests it’s been returned by your server before the request even reaches Backlight.
Has it been a while since you last used Publisher? That could suggest that it’s only coincidental that this error is happening at the same time as changing computers.

Who are you hosting with? Some hosts can have security settings that start blocking legitimate requests from Publisher.

Hi Ben,
yes it’s been a month at least since I last published something.

My host is which is a Swedish host. So you mean it could block me sometimes and sometimes not (when I upload under 10 photos)?

I have no problem uploading through Lightrooms normal web gallery, see example here Site Title

@Ben @rod_barbee
Any more suggestions so I can sort this out?

Have you tried publishing from a different computer?
Have you tried publishing using a different internet service provider?
Does this also happen using Backlight’s Publisher?

Hi @anhede, can you share a Backlight admin login via personal message? You should be able to do that by clicking on my username.
I’ll then try to create a hidden album from LR and see if I can find anything from the log messages.