This web site illustrates the set designs of several theatre houses and spans may
many seasons. Each season contains several productions.
Trying to use the SEARCH box yields unexpected results. Consider the following examples.
query: TNM +“1990-1991” or TNM + “1990” returns a host of results, multiple theatres, seasons, shows;
query: 1990 returns TNM 1989-1990 Ha ha!... and DUCEPPE 2016-2017 HAROLD et MAUDE;
query: LE DIEU DU CARNAGE returns the correct album;
query: 2010-2011 returns the correct albums but
query: 1990-1991 (with or without the “” “”) returns no results when in fact there is one production.
I am in the process of revising all the keywords and dates but these are already present on the site. What could be the problem? Formatting the data differently? Maybe the seasons currently using the form: 1990-1991 could be changed? Does the fact that all data is in French could be a factor?
I understand. However, asking: DUCEPPE “+1994 - 1995” or “+1994 - 1995” return no results but DUCEPPE “+1994” returns the correct result.
There seems to be a problem with spanned dates like 1995-1996 or 1995 - 1990.
If I use the search term DUCEPPE 1994-1995 in Google, although not returning results from my site (not linked to it) it will return correct results pertaining to this query. No need for “” “” and the date format poses no problem.
The search engine has difficulty with this but how else can one note a period or a season? I seen that I could use a Google search within my site by putting this code
script async src=“”>
div class=“gcse-search”>
in the <div section of the ** of the site.
The way the Galleries are structured is Album sets that are named for production houses. Then, each production house has Album sets named by season i.e. 1994-1995 for example. Each of these contains productions, from one to five Albums that are the shows. These are named by title. Each show album has credits for author, director, set designer…So, yes, “1994 -1995” is in the title.
Tried indicating the range of dates within the Image/Creation date of Lightroom. No luck.
I must absolutely find a way to search this catalogue by date range because anyone wanting to see the productions of a given season must be able to do so.
How about embedding a google search bar within my site?
If DUCEPPE 1995-1996 is the name of the season (there are album sets for each season) then why not put the season name in each image’s keywords? Then if someone searches on DUCEPPE 1995-1996 all images with that keyword phrase should come up.
If you put the company name and the season into your keywords, then search will work as you want it to.
For example, if you add the phrase to the image keywords: DUCEPPE 1995-1996
If you search on “DUCEPPE 1995-1996” you will get all images that have that keyword phrase.
If you search on 1995-1996 you will get all images with that as part of the keywords. In other words, all images from all groups in that season.
If you want, say just two groups in one season:
“Duceppe 1995-1996” “Other 1995-1996”
This assumes no spaces between 1995-1996. Otherwise you might want to add variation in the keyword phrase: 1995 - 1996
I tried to add DUCEPPE 1995-1996 in the LR metadata section, in LABEL, then CAPTION, then in the IPTC section under TITLE, CATEGORY and OTHER CATEGORY. I even tried with the date of the opening night (1995-05-31) that is under CREATION DATE in the IMAGE section of the metadata. No luck.
There is no provision that I can see for keywords in Backlight.
Then…serendipity! I went to the synch metadata tab at the bottom of the LR settings panel and there is a section for keywords. And once the correct Company and date range is in there, it works fine. I’ve only done DUCEPPE 1995-1996 and DUCEPPE 2008-2009 but I’m sure the others will work as well. This a major flaw fixed in my site’s SEARCH engine.
Many thanks Rod.
Since the last exchange on this topic, I have been populating this site [(] with album sets, albums, and Galeries so that the site/database can get completed.
As is going well if slowly (lots of scanning, data research, and all) and I had not noticed a problem with the search engine until today.
I have incorporated keywords within each entry in Lightroom and this helps a lot. Other search-related info seems to be pulled from the Page Content section of each album. This is where I indicated the people who are responsible for each production, like the Author, the Set Designer, the Lighting Director, etc…I have included an example here:
Mise en scène: LORRAINE PINTAL
Éclairages: ANDRÉ NAUD
Accessoires: JEAN-MARIE GUAY
4 – 15 juin 1991
The problem is that some of the information is found by the search engine and some not. Notably, the Set Designer (Décor) and the Lighting Designer (Éclairages) are not found at all.
Entering “André Naud” yields nothing whereas “Richard Lacroix” will return “Hosanna” as one of the productions on which M.Lacroix was the Accessories person.
In at least one case, a Lighting Designer’s name (Michel Beaulieu) misses a few of his productions while returning correct results for others!
Backlight’s search operates on image keywords, image file names, album titles and image captions.
It does not search on page content; it’s an image search tool.
Make sure all search words are in keywords, captions and, if appropriate, album titles.
I understand that whatever info I put into keywords, captions or album titles is found by the search engine.
But how to explain that a large part of the album pages content area (where I put all the credits) is also found by the search ?