Wanted Images Photography - BL4 and Hero Images

Wanted Images Photography
As a long-time user of TTG products, starting way back with CE2 and every iteration since (now upgraded to BL4), I have to say that BL3/4 are my favourites, you’ve come a long way boys!

I have two sets of themes for all templates that I switch between; ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’, and have had +ve reviews on each but like James Herman mentioned in his post, photography is best suited with a dark theme and it’s my ‘go to’. Setting up opposing themes was easily accomplished via the template clone function within BL3/4, once I had a template configured cloning made it easy to create others.

How is my site configured:
Home page - uses a Vegas Slideshow using a Pangolin Theatre template.
Galleries - utilise an ‘Album Set’ template at the top level with sub galleries using an ‘Album’ template. The ‘Album Set’ thumbnails are set through links to a hidden thumbnail gallery while ‘Album’ thumbnails are randomised from within each album. Each ‘Album’ takes advantage of the new Hero Image function.

  • Hero Image - As I use a random cover image for each album and I have various image sizes, I was unsure how the Hero image would look. I tried all the various settings and settled on a 3:1 format, centring the image and using repeat to avoid excessive white space within the Hero Image frame. I could take the time to dedicate a Hero Image but like the idea and effect some of the random images display so am happy for now as it is.

Client Portal - Client galleries use random cover images and are password protected for client only access.
Remaining Menu Items - Blog links out to a WordPress blog using a BL3/4 template and remaining items utilise standard pages with the same theme throughout. I am based in Australia and utilise a local printer service, visitors can link directly to this service for direct purchases either through individual galleries or via the ‘Products’ menu.
Last Thoughts - I love the simplicity and functionality of BL3/4, its interface with Ligtroom and look forward to the tweaks Matt and the team continue to develop.


Nice job with the site. I’m enjoying your images; especially the adorable wombats!